After lots of consideration, I decided to redo my “Digital me” project. The reason that I want to re design for my online presence. I realised that my website looks like a promotion website more than a personal branding website. This is due to the big Polaroid’s camera at the beginning of my website. Also, from a audience point of view, I felt the style of the website does not work as an online portfolio, because it is too colorful that makes too much to read. For an online portfolio, I will prefer simple and claim. Therefore, I decided to re- do my digital me project as an improvement.
Before create my website in Dreamweaver, I have to…
Create a wireframe.
After I considered re-creating my website, I have looked through some designers and photographers portfolio. The layout of Matt Guegan’s portfolio is the one that I prefer the most. However, I won’t copy the layout that he got. The thing that prefer is his name at the top of the page that make it clears of what is the website about.
My ideas:
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
Idea 3:
The theme:
Referring to my previous post "Moodboard", I did mentioned I like "simple and plain". Therefore, for my new website I will use this as my theme.
My network plan:
This time I will use 2 typeface. I will keep what I had decided before “Tahamo”, because this is a common available sans-serif font and it is an ideal font for presenting information on the screen. The other one is hand-written typeface that makes the website more personal and friendly.
How to make my website looks more personal? I realized a logo is an essential for a personal website, especially for a designer. A logo represents an identity. Therefore, I have design a logo for my website and I will paste it on the top left corner of my website. I decided to put it on top left corner, because people usually read from the top left to the bottom right.
Portfolio is like a showcase of my work and which will enhance my employment. However, a blog is necessary, because the employer will be interested in my design process. Therefore, I will include my blogger link into my website.
Improvement from my evaluation:
From my evaluation, I said that I would like to have more interacted in my website. Therefore, on my homepage, I would like to have some rollover images to make it look more interest. And these rollover images would be the best works that I did so far. These images will link a page that the work will enlarge either in a gallery or in a video.
I am re creating my website now, I hope I will finish it on Sunday. After that I will get my own domain website and web hosting space, so my portfolio is actually present "online"!!