Room atmosphere with one light on.
Objects and light at different position.
Depth of field lenes and focus on the flowers.
Afternoon lighting effect.
In this project, my task is to re-model at least 6 objects that I have found or collected. The aim of this project is to model and texture accurately and realistically, in order to fit with the topic area – ‘visualisation’.
To commence with this project, I first visualised stuffs that around me, for example, objects that in my house and then I gathered the objects together and tried to give a theme to them. At the same time, I have researched and looked at other still life scenes. I thought about to produce something that look similar to still life photographs, such as those taken by Peter Lippman. However, due to the high quality that I desire to produce in this project, I decided to photograph my own objects, because I can observe and measure the objects in order to achieve the aim.
The objects that I have chosen were a lamp, a vase with three wooden flowers, a glass of juice, a jug of juice, a plate and eight pieces of biscuits. In my still life scenes, it revealed that it is a tea break in the evening.
During this project, I have learnt a lot of modelling skills; especially how to model and texture objects accurately by using lathe modifier, edit polygons of objects and UVW unwrap map. And now, I am confident with modelling 3D objects from the real world.
In my project, it involved me to use different methods to create the objects. For instance, the glass, the jug and the vase, I started modelling them by using a line then applied a lathe modifier on it. Any details that need to add on afterwards, I had converted them into editable poly and moved the vertex to the shape that I need. For the remaining objects which are lamp, biscuits, plate and flowers, I used standard primitives and transformed them into the shape that I want, then converted them into editable poly and edited the vertex and edges, these objects are time consuming to model.
In addition, I have learnt about texturing in this project. The texture tutorials gave me a clear idea of how 3d models are texturing and it will be a useful knowledge in my future projects. I had used this method for my biscuits and flower, and I understood that texture is an important process to give me a realistic 3d model.
I found the most difficult section in this project was lighting, because it took time to render out the effect that I was looking at. I had spend two days and tested with the lighting. However, I felt that it was a good practice by experiment with different lighting such as normal light and light with mental ray on. Also, different lighting shadows will create different mood. For example, shadow map, mental ray shadow and ray trace shadow. These three do different jobs, and in my project I decided to use mental ray shadow as I have render my scene out as a mental ray.
In general, I am satisfied of my final renders. However, if I have more time I will concentrate more with the lighting, as I did not expect it was time consume to render. This project gives me a prospect in my future career as I found this project looks more professional than my previous works.
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